Университет Хартфордшира
Страна: Англия
MSc Global Business - возможность обучения в 2-х странах!
об университете
Университет Хартфордшира является ведущим университетом Великобритании для бизнеса и образцом в этом секторе.
Университет Хардфордшира - это
- Обучение у лучших преподавателей - практиков
- Многие студенты в Хартфордшире имеют возможность учиться или работать за границей - на семестр, лето или даже весь год.
- Стажировки во время обучения
- Выпускники университета работают в Apple, HSBC, Rolls-Royce, Disney, NHS, GSK, BAE Systems и Rare (Игры для Xbox) Studios).
- Университет имеет давние связи с бизнесом, промышленностью, общественным сектором и профессиональными организациями. Стремление стать ведущим университетом Великобритании, ориентированным на бизнес, означает, что университет заинтересован в том, чтобы вы были лучшим выбором для работодателей.
- 96,5% студентов работают или продолжают учиться через шесть месяцев после выпуска (DHLE 16/17)
- Отличное расположение - кампус расположен в Хэтфилде, который находится в 25 минутах езды на поезде от центра Лондона. Это означает, что у студентов есть доступ ко всем возможностям, которые может предложить столица Великобритании, и это особенно полезно для тех, кто выбирает стажировку - фантастический способ повысить свой набор навыков и контактов.
Хардфордшир, как университет, ориентированный на бизнес в XXI веке, стремится дать студентам навыки, необходимые для успеха на мировом рынке.
Выпускники Университета Хартфордшира уверены в своих знаниях, опыте и успешно трудоустроены.
Что делает университет для этого:
- сочетание традиционных методов обучения с цифровыми ресурсами
- учебные курсы, разработанные при участии деловых и профессиональных организаций.
- организация сетевых мероприятий, где могут встретиться сотрудники, студенты и выпускники.
- предлагая живой мультикультурный кампус.
- предоставление студентам возможности обучения в одном из наших университетов-партнеров за рубежом.
- предлагая студентам ценный опыт работы в области исследований, бизнеса или промышленности до окончания учебного года.
Экспертные лекторы
Гвиллим Моррис, специалист по визуальным эффектам и компьютерной анимации, работавший над такими фильмами, как «Властелин колец» и «Кинг-Конг», является одним из наших лекторов и приглашенным докладчиком.
Школы обучения
- Хартфордширская школа бизнеса
- Хартфордширская юридическая школа
- Школа образования
- Школа гуманитарных наук
- Школа Инженерии и Информатики
- Школа физики, астрономии и математики
- Школа жизни и медицинских наук
- Школа творчества
- Школа здоровья и социальной работы
срок обучения 3 года
стоимость обучения - 13 000 ф.ст
срок обучения 1-1,5 года
стоимость обучения - 13500-15150 ф.ст за программу
стоимость магистратуры Global Business
- £ 7045 за 1 семестр в Хартфордшире на 2020/2021 учебный год
- £ 8600 за 2 семестра в Хартфордшире на 2020/2021 учебный год
Accounting and Finance
- BA (Hons) Accounting
- BA (Hons) Accounting and Economics
- BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance
- BA (Hons) Accounting with Eastern Language (Japanese, Mandarin)
- BA (Hons) Accounting with European Language (French, German, Spanish)
- BA (Hons) Finance
- BA (Hons) Finance and Economics
- BA (Hons) Finance with Eastern Language BA (Hons) Finance with European Language
Aerospace Engineering
- BEng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering
- MEng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering
- BEng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering (Degree Apprenticeship)
- BEng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering with Space Technology
- MEng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering with Space Technology
- MEng (Hons) Aerospace Systems Engineering
- BEng (Hons) Aerospace Systems Engineering with Pilot Studies
- MEng (Hons) Aerospace Systems Engineering with Pilot Studies
- BSc (Hons) Aerospace Technology with Management
- BSc (Hons) Aerospace Technology with Pilot Studies
- BEng (Hons) Initial Year for Extended Degree in Engineering
Animation, Film and Digital
- BA (Hons) 2D Animation and Character for Digital Media
- BA (Hons) 3D Computer Animation and Modelling
- BA (Hons) 3D Games Art and Design
- BA (Hons) Film and Television (Production)
- BA (Hons) Photography
- BA (Hons) Visual Effects for Film and Television
- BA (Hons) Architecture
- BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design
Art, Design and Fashion
- BA (Hons) Design Crafts (Ceramics and Glass)
- BA (Hons) Design Crafts (Jewellery)
- BA (Hons) Design Crafts (Textiles)
- BA (Hons) Digital Media Design
- BA (Hons) Fashion and Fashion Business
- BA (Hons) Fashion Design
- BA (Hons) Fine Art
- BA (Hons) Graphic Design
- BA (Hons) Graphic Design (Advertising and Branding)
- BA (Hons) Illustration
- BA (Hons) Model Design (Character and Creative Effects)
- BA (Hons) Model Design (Model Effects)
- BA (Hons) Model Design (Special Effects)
- BA (Hons) Product and Industrial Design
- University Certificate Arts Therapies and Wellbeing Foundation
- FdA Graphic Design
- FdA Three-dimensional Design
- FdA Visual Merchandising
Automotive Engineering
- BEng (Hons) Automotive Engineering
- MEng (Hons) Automotive Engineering
- BEng (Hons) Automotive Engineering (Degree Apprenticeship)
- BEng (Hons) Automotive Engineering with Motorsport
- MEng (Hons) Automotive Engineering with Motorsport
- BSc (Hons) Automotive Technology with Management
- BSc (Hons) Motorsport Technology
- BEng (Hons) Initial Year for Extended Degree in Engineering
Biological Sciences
- BSc (Hons) Applied Plant and Animal Biology
- BSc (Hons) Biochemistry
- BSc (Hons) Biological Science
- BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science
- BSc (Hons) Applied Biomedical Science (Degree Apprenticeship)
- BSc (Hons) Initial Year for Extended Degree in Science - Biological Science
- BSc (Hons) Molecular Biology
- BSc (Hons) Pharmacology
- BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical Science
- MRegSci Regulatory Science (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices)
Business and Management
- BA (Hons) Business Administration
- BA (Hons) Business Administration (Online)
- BA (Hons) Business Administration (Top Up)
- BA (Hons) Business Administration (Top Up) (Online)
- BA (Hons) Business and Accounting
- BA (Hons) Business and Event Management
- BA (Hons) Business and Finance
- BA (Hons) Business and Human Resources
- BA (Hons) Business and Marketing
- BA (Hons) Business and Management (Degree Apprenticeship)
- BSc (Hons) Business and Sport Management (Online)
- BA (Hons) Business and Tourism
- BA (Hons) Business Studies
- BA (Hons) Business Studies with Information Systems
- BA (Hons) Business Studies with Leadership and Management
- BA (Hons) Business Studies with Logistics
- BA (Hons) Business with Eastern Language (Japanese, Mandarin)
- BA (Hons) Business with European Language (French, German, Spanish)
- BA (Hons) Human Resource Management
- BA (Hons) Human Resources with Eastern Language (Japanese, Mandarin)
- BA (Hons) Human Resources with European Language (French, German, Spanish)
- BSc (Hons) Information Technology Management for Business
- BSc (Hons) Information Technology Management for Business with Eastern Language
- BSc (Hons) Information Technology Management for Business with European Language
- BA (Hons) International Business
- BA (Hons) International Business with Eastern Language (Japanese, Mandarin)
- BA (Hons) International Business with European Language (French, German, Spanish)
- BA (Hons) Music Industry Management
- BSc (Hons) Sports Business Management
- FdA Business Management
- FdA Business Management with Accounting
- FdA Business Management with Event Management
- FdA Business Management with Human Resource Management
- FdA Business Management with Law
- FdA Business Management with Marketing
- FdA Business Management with Tourism
Civil Engineering
- BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering
- MEng (Hons) Civil Engineering
- BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering (Degree Apprenticeship)
- BEng (Hons) Initial Year for Extended Degree in Engineering
Computer Science
- BSc (Hons) Computer Science
- MEng (Hons) Computer Science
- BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)
- BSc (Hons) Computer Science (HND Top Up)
- BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Networks)
- BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Software Engineering)
- BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Online)
- BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Top Up) (Online)
- BSc (Hons) Computer Technology and Networks
- BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Data Analyst) (Degree Apprenticeship)
- BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Network Engineer) (Degree Apprenticeship)
- BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Software Engineer) (Degree Apprenticeship)
- BSc (Hons) Information Technology
- BSc (Hons) Information Technology (Online)
- BSc (Hons) Information Technology (Top Up) (Online)
- BSc (Hons) Information Technology Management for Business
- BSc (Hons) Information Technology Management for Business with Eastern Language
- BSc (Hons) Information Technology Management for Business with European Language
- BEng (Hons) Robotics and Artificial intelligence
- MEng (Hons) Robotics and Artificial intelligence
- FdSc Computing Technologies (Networks and Cybersecurity)
- FdSc Computing Technologies (Software Development)
- FdSc Computing Technologies (Web Based Technologies)
Education and Teacher Training
- BA (Hons) Early Childhood Education
- BA (Hons) Education
- BEd (Hons) Primary Education with QTS
- FdA Early Years (Available Part Time only)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- MEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Degree Apprenticeship)
- BEng (Hons) Initial Year for Extended Degree in Engineering
English Language, Linguistics and Foreign Languages
- BA (Hons) English Language and Applied Linguistics
- BA (Hons) English Language and Creative Writing
- BA (Hons) English Language and Journalism
- BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics
- BA (Hons) English Language and Literature
- BA (Hons) English Language and Media
- BA (Hons) English Language with English Language Teaching
- BA (Hons) English Language with Film
- BA (Hons) English Language with French, German or Spanish
- BA (Hons) English Language with Japanese or Mandarin
- Event Management and Tourism
- BA (Hons) Event Management
- BA (Hons) Event Management and Marketing
- BA (Hons) Event Management and Tourism
- BA (Hons) Event Management with Eastern Language (Japanese, Mandarin)
- BA (Hons) Event Management with European Language (French, German, Spanish)
- BA (Hons) International Tourism Management
- BA (Hons) International Tourism Management with Eastern Language
- BA (Hons) International Tourism Management with European Language
- BA (Hons) Tourism Management
- BA (Hons) Tourism with Eastern Language (Japanese, Mandarin)
- BA (Hons) Tourism with European Language (French, German, Spanish)
Geography and Environment
- BSc (Hons) Environmental Management and Ecology
- BSc (Hons) Environmental Management with Agriculture
- BSc (Hons) Geography
- BSc (Hons) Human Geography
- BSc (Hons) Physical Geography
Health Professions and Social Work
- BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging
- BSc (Hons) Dietetics
- FdSc Health Care Practice (Degree Apprenticeship)
- BSc (Hons) Initial Year for Extended Degree in Science - Subjects Allied to Medicine
- BSc (Hons) Nutrition
- BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science
- MPharm Pharmacy
- BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
- BSc (Hons) Radiotherapy and Oncology
- BSc (Hons) Social Work
History, English Literature and Creative Writing
- BA (Hons) Creative Writing
- BA (Hons) English Literature
- BA (Hons) English Literature and Creative Writing
- BA (Hons) English Literature and Journalism
- BA (Hons) English Literature and Media
- BA (Hons) English Literature with Film
- BA (Hons) English Literature with French, German or Spanish
- BA (Hons) English Literature with Japanese or Mandarin
- BA (Hons) History
- BA (Hons) History and Creative Writing
- BA (Hons) History and English Language
- BA (Hons) History and English Literature
- BA (Hons) History and Journalism
- BA (Hons) History and Philosophy
- BA (Hons) History with Film
- BA (Hons) History with French, German or Spanish
- BA (Hons) History with Japanese or Mandarin
- BA (Hons) Journalism
- BA (Hons) Journalism and Creative Writing
- BA (Hons) Journalism and Media
- BA (Hons) Mass Communications
- BA (Hons) Media
- BA (Hons) Media and Creative Writing
Law and Criminology
- BA (Hons) Criminal Justice and Criminology
- LLB (Hons) Law
- LLB (Hons) Law (Accelerated)
- LLB (Hons) Legal Practice (Degree Apprenticeship)
- LLB (Hons) Initial Year for Extended Degree in Law
Marketing, Communications and Advertising
- BA (Hons) Advertising and Digital Marketing
- BA (Hons) Marketing
- BA (Hons) Marketing with Eastern Language (Japanese, Mandarin)
- BA (Hons) Marketing with European Language (French, German, Spanish)
Mathematics and Physics
- BSc (Hons) Astrophysics
- MPhys Astrophysics
- BSc (Hons) Financial Mathematics
- BSc (Hons) Initial Year for Extended Degree in Science - Mathematics
- BSc (Hons) Initial Year for Extended Degree in Science - Physical Sciences
- BSc (Hons) Mathematics
- BSc (Hons) Physics
- MPhys Physics
- Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics
- BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
- MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
- BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Degree Apprenticeship)
- BEng (Hons) Initial Year for Extended Degree in Engineering
Music, Performance and Production
- BSc (Hons) Audio Recording and Production
- BSc (Hons) Live Sound and Lighting Technology
- FdA Film and Television Production
- BSc (Hons) Music and Sound Design Technology
- BSc (Hons) Music Composition and Technology for Film and Games
- BSc Music Production
- BSc (Hons) Songwriting and Music Production
- BA (Hons) Music Industry Management
Nursing and Midwifery
- BSc (Hons) Midwifery
- BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult)
- BSc (Hons) Nursing (Child)
- BSc (Hons) Nursing (Learning Disabilities)
- BSc (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health)
- BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult) (Degree Apprenticeship)
- BSc (Hons) Nursing (Child) (Degree Apprenticeship)
- BSc (Hons) Nursing (Learning Disabilities) (Degree Apprenticeship)
- BSc (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health) (Degree Apprenticeship)
Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- BA (Hons) Business Economics
- BA (Hons) Economics
- BA (Hons) Economics with Eastern Language (Japanese, Mandarin)
- BA (Hons) Economics with European Language (French, German, Spanish)
- BA (Hons) Philosophy
- BA (Hons) Philosophy and Creative Writing
- BA (Hons) Philosophy and English Language
- BA (Hons) Philosophy and English Literature
- BA (Hons) Philosophy and Journalism
- BA (Hons) Philosophy and Media
- BA (Hons) Philosophy with Film
- BA (Hons) Philosophy with French, German or Spanish
- BA (Hons) Philosophy with Japanese or Mandarin
- BA (Hons) Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
- BA (Hons) Politics & International Relations and History
- BA (Hons) Politics & International Relations and Journalism
- BA (Hons) Politics & International Relations and Philosophy
- BA (Hons) Politics and International Relations
- BSc (Hons) Psychology
- BSc (Hons) Business and Sport Management (Online)
- BSc (Hons) Physical Activity and Sports Development
- BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science
- BSc (Hons) Sports Business Management
- BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching
- BSc (Hons) Sports Studies
- BSc (Hons) Sports Studies with Psychology
- BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy
- FdSc Sports Studies